Parish Registration

Welcome to the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Assumption. We look forward to having your family join our parish, share your gifts, and become a part of our growing church community.

What does it mean to be a parishioner versus a non-parishioner?

A parishioner is a registered church member who actively participates in parish events, organization, and/or ministries; attends Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; lends their time and talent to the maintenance of the Cathedral whenever possible or necessary; and uses their church envelopes to provide weekly donation(s). A non-parishioner is an individual who does not meet these expectations.

How do I register to become a parishioner?

Print and complete the Parish Registration Form to register your family. The completed form can be delivered or mailed to the parish office, sent via email to, or faxed to (609) 396-5624.

Once your registration form is received and processed, church envelopes will be mailed to your home. Your weekly donation contributes to the maintenance of our parish and is greatly appreciated.